Laurel Crown accessory for m/f HAMERV
I have wanted a laurel wreath crown since I started making mods. I’ve tried a few by others but they never really hit the way I wanted.
So, here we are.
includes 3 sizes
replaces faerie tale prince circlet and faerie tale princess’s tiara.
dyeable. Includes an option without the glow.
for everyone but lala
Skintight hairs try size 1. Large, curly hairs try size 3. Size 2 is in-between each of these. Hrothgar has a model generated for this, but it’s largely untested.
Emissive uses a dyeable colorset. Use no dye for the default white glow pictured.
Made using a licensed crown asset by Beautyworks. Textures by me.
release date: 17 April 2023
update 1.01 - adjust emissive colorset. adds an additional size. adjusts existing sizes. repackaged modpack for additional clarity.
Important note: Please keep in mind that mods may not fit completely tight around certain sculpts, or race models. I've done my best to accommodate most things via weights and fit, but it won't be perfect.
Also, if you're planning on buying multiple items from the shop, it might be more economical to subscribe to my Patreon ♥
illy, bizu, and tsar for bibo+. tsar for tbse. raykie for tbse-x. aleks for yab+ and eremm for tbse echo. thank you all ♥
Help & Support
If you need help with this mod, please let me know in my discord, using the #help channel. If you're missing a mod dependency or need help installing mods, in general,check my resources page here.
My textures are not a resource. Personal, private edits are okay. Please do not redistribute my files anywhere or with anyone else. Please link back to the original page if sharing with a friend. Do not use my mods as a base for your own mods, or commissions, without permission. Do not refit my mods for other races, or bodies, without permission.